Roman Emperor AUGUSTUS 27BC-14AD Ancient Coins Collection & Guide
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The Ancient Roman coins of Augustus Shown in the Video
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AUGUSTUS 9BC Ancient Roman Coin Clasped hands w caduceus Commerce symbol i18796
Authentic Ancient Coin of:
Augustus – Roman Emperor: 27 B.C. – 14 A.D.
Bronze Quadrans 15mm (3.16 grams) Lamia Silius Annius moneyer, Rome mint: 9 B.C.
Reference: RIC 420; BM 200; Paris 568; C 338
Names of three moneyers LAMIA SILIVS ANNIVS around clasped hands holding caduceus.
III VIR A A A F F around large S C.
AUGUSTUS Genuine 27BC Edessa in Macedonia Authentic Ancient Roman Coin i33917
Authentic Ancient Coin of:
Augustus – Roman Emperor: 27 B.C. – 14 A.D.
Bronze 22mm (9.83 grams) of Edessa in Macedonia
Reference: Sear GIC 28; B.M.C. 5.39,16
ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ, Laureate head right.
ΕΔΕΣ / ΣΑΙΩΝ in two lines within laurel-wreath; Θ above.
Marcus Ambibulus Jerusalem Biblical Jesus Time Roman Coin Under Augustus i38851
Authentic Ancient Coin of:
Marcus Ambibulus prefect under Augustus 9 A.D. – 12 A.D.
Bronze Prutah 17mm (2.19 grams) from the mint of Jerusalem 8/9 A.D.
Reference: Hendin 638 (3rd edition); Hendin 1329 (5th Edition)
KAICAPOC (of Caesar), ear of grain curved to right
LΛΘ (year 39=8/9 A.D.) in fields; eight-branched palm tree bearing two bunches of dates.
CLAUDIUS Philippi Julius Caesar & Augustus Statues Ancient Roman Coin i40538
Authentic Ancient Coin of:
Claudius – Roman Emperor: 41-54 A.D. –
Bronze 26mm (12.58 grams) of the City of Philippi in Macedonia Struck 41-54 A.D.
Reference: Sear GIC 428; B.M.C. 5.98,25; Cohen 260, 117
TI. CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG. P.M. TR. P. IMP. – Bare head of Claudius left.
COL AVG IVL PHILIP, cippus inscribed with DIVVS
AVG in two lines, on which stand statues of
Augustus (to left) & Caesar (to right), altar on either side of cippus.
Augustus 4BC Ancient Authentuc RARE Roman Coin Around garlanded altar i40689
Authentic Ancient Coin of:
Augustus – Roman Emperor: 27 B.C. – 14 A.D.
Bronze Quadrans 15mm (3.62 grams)
C. Naevius Capella, moneyer. Rome mint: 4 B.C.
Reference: RIC I 466; BMCRE 267; BN 864
III VIR A A A F F around garlanded altar with bowl-shaped top.
C NAEVIVS CAPELLA around large SC.
AUGUSTUS Pergamum Mysia 4AD Proconsul Silvanus of Asia Rare Roman Coin i40778
Authentic Ancient Coin of:
Augustus – Roman Emperor: 27 B.C. – 14 A.D.
Bronze 20mm (5.35 grams) of Pergamum in Mysia
Reference: Sear GIC 50; B.M.C.15.139,245
ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΝ ΔΗΜΟΦΩΝ, Tetrastyle temple within which standing figure of Augustus, holding spear; monogram in in exergue.
ΣΙΛΒΑΝΟΝ ΠΕΡΓΑΜΗΝΟΙ, Demos of Pergamum standing left, crowning the Proconsul M. Plautius Silvanus who stands beside him.
Silvanus was Proconsul of Asia circa A.D. 4-5.
Augustus 27BC LAODICEIA in PHRYGIA Zeus Authentic Ancient Roman Coin i50081
Authentic Ancient Coin of:
Augustus – Roman Emperor: 27 B.C. – 14 A.D.
Bronze 19mm (5.53 grams) of Laodiceia ad Lycum in Phrygia
Anto Polemon, philopatris
Reference: RPC 2898 var.
ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ, bare head right.
ΠΟΛΕΜΩΝ ΦΙΛΟΠΑΤΗΣ ΛΑΟΔΙΚΕΩΝ, Zeus standing left, holding eagle and scepter.
AUGUSTUS Carthago Nova Spain Sacrificial Implements Ancient Roman Coin i52670
Authentic Ancient Coin of:
Augustus – Roman Emperor: 27 B.C. – 14 A.D.
Bronze 27mm (13.93 grams) of Carthago Nova in Spain
C. Varrius Rufus and Sextus Julius Pollio, duoviri
Reference: RPC 167
AVGVSTVS DIVI F, Laureate head right.
C VAR RVF SEX IVL POL III VIR Q, Sacrificial implements.
AUGUSTUS 8BC Caesaraugusta Spain Semis Vexillum Ancient Roman Coin i52776

Authentic Ancient Coin of:
Augustus – Roman Emperor: 27 B.C. – 14 A.D.
Bronze Semis 22mm (6.68 grams) of Caesaraugusta in Spain, Struck 8-1 B.C.
M. Porcius and Cn. Fadius, duoviri
Reference: ACIP 3039b; RPC I 315
AVGVSTVS DIVI F., Laureate head right.
CAESARAVGVSTA M. PORCI. CN. FAD. II. VIR., Vexillum on cippus.
Augustus & Rhoemetalkes Client King of Thrace 11BC Ancient Roman Coin i55548
Authentic Ancient Coin of:
Augustus – Roman Emperor: 27 B.C. – 14 A.D.
Augustus & Rhoemetalkes Client King of Thrace
Bronze 23mm (10.24 grams) from the Greek Kingdom of Thrace circa 11BC-12 A.D.
Reference: RPC I 1711; SNG Copenhagen 1188
BAΣΙΛΕΩΣ POIMHTAΛKOY, conjoined heads of king Rhoemetalkes & Queen Pythodoris of Thrace.
KAIΣAPOΣ ΣEBAΣTOY, bare head of Augustus right.
Thrace did not become a Roman province until the reign of Claudius (A.D. 46). Augustus created Rhoemetalkes I ruler of the whole of Thrace in 11 B.C. and he governed the country well for almost a quarter of a century until his death in A.D. 12. Thereafter the Kingdom had a troubled history culminating in the murder, by his wife, of the last ruler Rhoemetalkes III.
Son of Kotys and Sapaean, Rhoemetalkes had a long political career in the earlier part of which he acted as the guardian of the children of Kotys III. He became King of Thrace in 11 B.C. and remained a loyal ally of the Romans throughout his reign.
AUGUSTUS 27BC Philippi Macedonia Colonists Founding City Oxen Roman Coin i55852
Authentic Ancient Coin of:
Augustus – Roman Emperor: 27 B.C. – 14 A.D.
Bronze 17mm (5.10 grams) City of Philippi in Macedon Struck 27 B.C.-10 B.C.
Reference: Varbanov 3226
Bare head of Augustus right, AVG behind.
Two colonists plowing right with two oxen.
ZENODORUS & Octavian Augustus 30BC Chalcis in Coele Ancient Roman Coin i57965
Authentic Ancient Coin of:
Augustus – Roman Emperor: 27 B.C. – 14 A.D.
Zenodoros, with Octavian 30-20 B.C.
Bronze 24mm (5.98 grams) of Chalcis ad Libanum in Coele
Dated SE 31/30 B.C.
Reference: RPC I 4775; Herman 16; HGC 9, 1454
Bare head of Octavian right; NE to left, L BΠΣ date to right.
ZΗΝΟΔΟΡΟΥ ΤΕΤΡΑΡΧΟΥ ΚΑΙ ΑΡΧΗΡΕΩΣ, Bare head of Zenodoros left.
AUGUSTUS Calagurris Spain Authentic BIBLICAL Time Ancient Roman Coin Bull i58017
Authentic Ancient Coin of:
Augustus – Roman Emperor: 27 B.C. – 14 A.D.
Bronze 29mm (12.15 grams) of Calagurris in Spain
M. Lic. Capel and C. Ful. Rutil, duoviri, struck after 2 B.C.
Reference: RPC I 444; SNG Copenhagen 582
IMP AVGVST PATER PATRIA, laureate head right.
M C I M LIC CAPE C FVL RVTI II VIR, Bull standing right.
AUGUSTUS 25BC Asian Possibly Ephesus Authentic Ancient Roman Coin Wreath i58040
Authentic Ancient Coin of:
Augustus – Roman Emperor: 27 B.C. – 14 A.D.
Bronze As 24mm (8.96 grams) Asian mint, possibly Ephesus, circa 25 B.C.
Reference: RPC 2235; RIC 486
CAESAR, Bare head right.
AVGVSTVS within laurel wreath.
AUGUSTUS 27BC Thessalonica Macedonia Wreath Authentic Ancient Roman Coin i58267
Authentic Ancient Coin of:
Augustus – Roman Emperor: 27 B.C. – 14 A.D.
Leaded Bronze 22mm (7.81 grams) of Thessalonica in Macedonia
Reference: RPC I 1557; SNG ANS 829
ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ, Bare head of Augustus right.
ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟ/ΝΙΚΕΩΝ in two lines within wreath.
AUGUSTUS Victory Over Julius Caesar Assassins Brutus & Cassius Roman Coin i59169
Authentic Ancient Coin of:
Augustus – Roman Emperor: 27 B.C. – 14 A.D.
Bronze 19mm (4.09 grams) from the city of Philippi in Northern Greece, Macedonia circa 27 B.C.-10 B.C.
Reference: Sear GIC 32; B.M.C.5.98,23
VIC.-AVG. either side of Victory standing left, holding wreath and palm.
COHOR. PRAE. PHIL., Three legionary standards.
Commemorates the battle of Philippi, 42 B.C., in which Octavian and Antony defeated the Republican tyrannicides Brutus and Cassius, who subsequently committed suicide. Augustus later settled the veterans of a Praetorian Cohort at Philippi, and he conferred upon them the right to mint coins, of which this is an example. The images on this coin presumably refer to the Emperor’s above described victory in 42 BC. The winged victory standing representing the cosmos. Such a coin is delivering, without words but in clear images that everyone would have understood, the message that Augustus now rules the world. All the old political institutions were re-established and the “dignity” of the Senate was restored, but actual power was now in the hands of one man alone.
AUGUSTUS 27BC Amphipolis Macedonia Artemis Bull Ancient Roman Coin i59229
Authentic Ancient Coin of:
Augustus – Roman Emperor: 27 B.C. – 14 A.D.
Bronze 19mm (6.01 grams) of Amphipolis in Macedonia
Reference: RPC I 1629; SNG ANS 160; SNG Copenhagen -; cf. Sear GIC 29
KAIΣΑΡOΣ ΣEBAΣTOY, Bare head of Augustus right.
ΑΜΦΙΠΟΛEΙΤΩΝ, Artemis Tauropolos riding a bull right, holding a veil over her head.
Divus AUGUSTUS & LIVIA 14AD Hispalis Romula Spain BIG Ancient Roman Coin i60702
Authentic Ancient Coin of:
Augustus – Roman Emperor: 27 B.C. – 14 A.D.
Divus Augustus and Livia
Bronze 35mm (23.89 grams) of Hispalis or Romula in Spain after 14 A.D.
Reference: Sear GIC 189; Heiss 393,2; Cohen 169,3
PERM. DIVI AVG. COL. ROM. – Radiate head of Augustus right; thunderbolt before, star above.
IVLIA AVGVSTA GENETRIX ORBIS – Head of Livia left; globe beneath, crescent above.
AUGUSTUS w Daughter JULIA & Sons Caius Lucius Silver Denarius Roman Coin i61986
Authentic Ancient Coin of:
Augustus – Roman Emperor: 27 B.C. – 14 A.D.
Silver Denarius 15mm (2.06 grams) Rome mint, 13 B.C.
Reference: RSC 1; B.M.C. 4650, Imp. 106; RIC 166; B. Maria 15
AVGVSTVS before head of Augustus right, lituus behind.
III VIR and wreath above the heads of Lucius, Julia and Caius, C . MARIVS . TRO below.
LIVIA Augustus Wife 22AD TIBERIUS Rome Ancient Roman Coin Ex Huntington i63311
Authentic Ancient Coin of:
Livia – Augusta: 14-29 A.D.
Bronze Dupondius 30mm (14.86 grams) Rome mint. Struck under Tiberius, 22-23 A.D.
Reference: RIC I 46 (Tiberius); Sear 1739
Pedigree: From the Archer M. Huntington Collection, ANS 1001.1.12257.
IVSTITIA below, diademed and draped bust of Livia as Justitia right
Wife of Augustus, Mother of Tiberius, & Grandmother of Claudius.
Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa Augustus General Ancient Roman Coin by CALIGULA i63313
Authentic Ancient Coin of:
Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa – best friend of Augustus & General, Died 12 B.C.
Bronze As 27mm (10.50 grams)
Struck under Roman Emperor Caligula at the mint of Rome, 37-41 A.D.
Reference: RIC 58 [Caligula], Cohen 3, BMC 161 [Tiberius]
M AGRIPPA L F COS III – Head left, wearing rostral crown.
Neptune standing, head left, S C at sides.
AUGUSTUS as Octavian 28BC ASIA RECEPTA Ancient Silver Roman Coin VICTORY i63391
Authentic Ancient Coin of:
Augustus – Roman Emperor: 27 B.C. – 14 A.D.
Silver Quinarius 13mm (1.73 grams) Struck circa 28 B.C.
Reference: B. 145; B.M.C., East 240, Imp. 647; R.I.C. 18
CAESAR IMP . VII., his bare head right.
ASIA RECEPTA, Victory standing left on cista mystica between two snakes erect.
The subjection of the Province of Asia occurred in B.C. 30.
COPONIUS Prefect of Roman JERUSALEM under Augustus 6AD BIBLICAL Time Coin i63462
Authentic Ancient Coin of:
Biblical Jerusalem under Roman Administration
Coponius – prefect under Augustus 6 – 9 A.D.
Bronze Prutah 16mm (1.97 grams) from the mint of Jerusalem 5/6 A.D.
Reference: Hendin 1328 (5th Edition)
KAICAPOC (of Caesar), ear of grain curved to right.
LΛϛ (year 36=5/6 A.D.) in fields; eight-branched palm tree bearing two bunches of dates.
AUGUSTUS Genuine 4AD Biblical Time Antioch Authentic Ancient Roman Coin i63506
Authentic Ancient Coin of:
Augustus – Roman Emperor: 27 B.C. – 14 A.D.
Bronze 25mm (17.21 grams) of Antioch in Seleukis and Pieria Struck circa 4-5 A.D.
Reference: McAlee 206c; RPC I 4260; RIC 528
IMP AVGVST TR POT, Laureate head right; monogram below.
Large S C within wreath.
AUGUSTUS & General AGRIPPA 10AD Nemasus Gaul Crocodile Ancient Roman Coin i63964
Authentic Ancient Coin of:
Augustus – Roman Emperor: 27 B.C. – 14 A.D.
Augustus & Agrippa
Bronze Dupondius 25mm (13.03 grams) of Nemasus, Gaul Struck circa 10-14 A.D.
Reference: RIC I 159; RPC I 525
Pedigree / Provenance: Coin Galleries Mail Bid Sale February 12, 1986 No. 124
IMP DIVI F, Heads of Agrippa left and Augustus right, back to back, that of Agrippa wearing combined rostral crown and laurel wreath, that of Augustus laureate; P P across fields.
COL NEM, Crocodile right chained to palm-branch; wreath with long ties above.
AUGUSTUS 17BC Rome SANQVINIVS Dupondius Authentic Ancient Roman Coin i64001
Authentic Ancient Coin of:
Augustus – Roman Emperor: 27 B.C. – 14 A.D.
Bronze Dupondius 27mm (11.33 grams) Rome mint, struck circa 17 B.C.
Reference: RIC 342; C 521; Cohen 521, BMCRE 193-4; BN 287-91
AVGVSTVS / TRIBVNIC / POTEST, in oak-wreath.
AUGUSTUS 17BC Rome CENSORINVS Dupondius Rare Authentic Ancient Roman Coin i64002
Authentic Ancient Coin of:
Augustus – Roman Emperor: 27 B.C. – 14 A.D.
Bronze Dupondius 25mm (13.22 grams) Rome mint; C. Marcius Censorinus, moneyer. Struck circa 18 B.C.
Reference: RIC I 326; Cohen 452; BMCRE 179; BNC 267
Pedigree / Provenance: ex Christie’s 5/2/1984 Lot 246/4
AVGVSTVS/TRIBVNIC/POTEST in three lines within oak wreath.
C • CENSORINVS AVG • III VIR • A • A • A • F • F • around S • C.
AUGUSTUS Genuine 16BC Rome Sestertius Authentic LARGE Ancient Roman Coin i64007
Authentic Ancient Coin of:
Augustus – Roman Emperor: 27 B.C. – 14 A.D.
Bronze Sestertius 34mm (23.17 grams) Rome mint. Struck 16 B.C.
C. Asinius Gallus, moneyer.
Reference: RIC I 370; BMCRE 157; Cohen 367
Pedigree / Provenance: ex Christie’s 5/2/1984 Lot: 242/2
OB/CIVIS/SERVATOS in three lines across field; inner laurel wreath flanked by laurel branches.
AUGUSTUS 27BC Bull NGC Certified Ancient Silver Roman Denarius Coin NGC i59866
Authentic Ancient Coin of:
Augustus – Roman Emperor: 27 B.C. – 14 A.D.
Silver Denarius 20mm (3.74 grams) Pegamum mint: 27 B.C.
Reference: RIC 475; RSC 28; BMCRR East 284-5=BMCRE 662-3; BN 941-3
CAESAR, bare head right.
AVGVSTVS, bull standing to right.
MARK ANTONY & OCTAVIA – Augustus Sister Silver Tetradrachm Roman Coin NGC i60110
Authentic Ancient Coin of:
Mark Antony
Mark Antony & His Wife Octavia (Sister of Augustus)
Silver Cistophoric Tetradrachm 26mm (11.32 grams) Ephesus mint, Summer-autumn 39 B.C.
Reference: RPC I 2202; CRI 263; Sydenham 1198; RSC 3
Certification: NGC Ancients VG 4375823-280
M ◦ ANTONIVS IMP ◦ COS ◦ DESIG ◦ ITER ◦ ET TERT, Conjoined busts of Antony, wearing ivy wreath, and Octavia, bareheaded and draped, right.
III ◦ VIR ◦ R ◦ P ◦ C ◦, Dionysus (Bacchus) standing left, holding cantharus and thyrsus, on cista between two snakes.
This type was likely struck to commemorate the marriage between Mark Antony and Octavia (sister of Augustus).
MARK ANTONY & OCTAVIAN AUGUSTUS Authentic Ancient Silver Roman Coin NGC i60111
Authentic Ancient Coin of:
Mark Antony & Octavian ‘Augustus’ as Triumvirs
Silver 18mm (3.19 grams) Ephesus mint, Spring-Summer 41 BC.
M. Barbatius Pollio moneyer as proquaestor
Reference: RSC 8; B.51 and 96; B.M.C. 103; Craw. 517/2; Sydenham 1181
Certification: NGC Ancients VG 4375823-279
M . ANT . IMP. AVG . III . VIR . R . P . C . M . BARBAT . Q . P., bare head of Mark Antony right.
CAESAR IMP . PONT . III . VIR . R . P . C., bare head of Augustus right, without beard.
This type was likely struck by Mark Antony to commemorate the reconciliation between the triumvirs. The moneyer of this coin was a friend of Julius Caesar. In 41 B.C., he was quaestor pro praetore to Antony in the East.
Divus AUGUSTUS 22AD Rome ALTAR Tiberius Authentic Ancient Roman Coin NGC i60242
Authentic Ancient Coin of:
Augustus – Roman Emperor: 27 B.C. – 14 A.D.
as Divus Augustus
Bronze As 27mm (10.43 grams) Rome mint: 22-23 A.D. under Emperor Tiberius
Reference: RIC 81 (Tiberius), BMC 147 (Tiberius), S 1789, C 228
Certification: NGC Ancients XF 4375823-396
DIVVS AVGVSTVS PATER, Radiate head of Augustus left.
PROVIDENT, Altar; large S C on either side.
AUGUSTUS & JULIUS CAESAR Thessalonica Macedonia Ancient Roman Coin NGC i60420
Authentic Ancient Coin of:
Augustus – Roman Emperor: 27 B.C. – 14 A.D.
Augustus and Julius Caesar
Bronze Diassarion 20mm (6.68 grams) of Thessalonica in Macedonia, Struck circa 28-27 B.C.
Reference: RPC 5421; cf. CNG MBS 75/798; cf. Gemini X/552
Certification: NGC Ancients XF 4375823-318
ΘΕΟC, Bare head of Divus Julius Caesar right.
ΘΕ / CEBACTOY, Bare head of Augustus right.
LEPIDUS – JULIUS CAESAR Ally Triumvir Augustus 43BC Silver Roman Coin NGC i61060
Authentic Ancient Coin of:
Lepidus & Octavian ‘Augustus’ as Triumvirs
Silver Denarius 18mm (3.76 grams)
November-December 43 BC. Military mint traveling with Lepidus in Italy.
Reference: RSC 2; B. Aemilia 35, Julia 71; B.M.C., Africa 29; Syd. 1323; Craw. 495/2c; Kestner 3760; BMCRR Africa 30
Certification: NGC Ancients VF Strike: 4/5 Surface: 4/5 4529164-002
LEPIDVS PONT. MAX. III . V . R . P . C., head of Lepidus right.
CAESAR . IMP . III . VIR . R . P . C., head of Augustus right.
A colleague to Julius Caesar in his consulship of 46 B.C. He became a triumvir with Augustus and Mark Antony after the death of Julius Caesar. His part of the triumvirite was that of the governorship of Africa after the battle of Philippi. However because he tried to get Sicily all for himself, he was deprived of all power. Lepidus died in 13 B.C.
AUGUSTUS Rare 12BC Authentic Ancient Silver Roman Coin CAPRICORN NGC XF i62473
Authentic Ancient Coin of:
Augustus – Roman Emperor: 27 B.C. – 14 A.D.
Silver Denarius 17mm Lugdunum mint, struck 12 B.C.
Reference: RIC 174; RSC 147; Rare!
Certification: NGC Ancients XF 4238772-068
AVGVSTVS – DIVI F, bare head of Augustus right.
Capricorn right, holding globe; below, IMP · XI.
AUGUSTUS 15BC Authentic Ancient Silver Roman Coin BULL of Thourioi NGC i62474
Authentic Ancient Coin of:
Augustus – Roman Emperor: 27 B.C. – 14 A.D.
Silver Denarius 18mm Lugdunum mint, struck 15-13 B.C.
Reference: RIC 167a; RSC 137
Certification: NGC Ancients VF 4238772-026
AVGVSTVS DIVI · F, bare head of Augustus right.
Bull charging right, head lowered, IMP · X in exergue.
AUGUSTUS as OCTAVIAN 37BC Rare Authentic Ancient Silver Roman Coin NGC i63890
Authentic Ancient Coin of:
Augustus – Roman Emperor: 27 B.C. – 14 A.D.
as Octavian before he was named Augustus
Silver Denarius 20mm (3.57 grams) Southern or Central Italian Mint, struck circa 37 B.C.
Reference: Crawfod 538/1; Sydenham 1334
Certification: NGC Ancients Ch VF Strike: 4/5 Surface: 2/5 2068696-007
IMP.CAESAR DIVI.F.III.VIR.ITER.R.P.C, Bare head of Octavian facing right.
COS ITER.ET.TER.DESIG, Sacrificial implements, the simpulum, sprinkler, jug and lituus (emblems of the augurate and pontificate).